Junior Prep Grade 0



Welcome to this stimulating Grade 0 environment where each child is encouraged to develop as the individual he or she is.


Grade 0 is a year of fun, excitement and learning within a happy, secure, caring and structured environment. Each little person, and big person too, is an integral component of our school and together we make our school a place where everyone feels welcome and valued.


Our staff have been carefully chosen for their qualifications, enthusiasm, creativity and empathy. Each class has a well-qualified teacher, with Early Childhood Development being one of their specialist subjects. There is also an assistant in each class.


Within this happy atmosphere the students are encouraged to participate fully in all activities. Young children learn through experience and therefore play, exploration and experimentation form a fundamental part of their day. Each day follows a structured pattern of work, play, interaction, music, pre-numeracy and literacy skills and creativity.



Perceptual development occurs as children experience and interact with their world both physically and through their senses. Perceptual development paves the way for the transition to the formal, more abstract academic learning of Literacy and Mathematics and is, therefore an integral part of the Grade 0 programme.


Grade 0 has a balanced, flexible daily language programme, with learning opportunities throughout the day. Language creates access to all learning and within the Language curriculum, our children learn to think, express, reason and remember. Through the Time2Read methodology, phonemic awareness and auditory processing skills are intentionally developed. The principles of Vygotsky are embedded in the Key to Learning programme, which fosters language development, critical thinking and the ability to articulate reasoning.


Our aim is to develop a spirit of curiosity and problem solving and a love of Mathematics. The teaching/ and learning of Mathematics in Grade 0 is both incidental and teacher-guided. Learning opportunities arise spontaneously during child-centred activities such as free play in the fantasy corner or block construction, sand and water play activities, as well as teacher-guided activities that focus on mathematical concepts such as counting, estimation, number concept development, space and shape, patterns, time and other emergent mathematical activities. Emphasis is placed on the development of the ability to persevere when problem solving and to articulate thinking and reasoning as well as on the concrete exploration of mathematical principles.


Life Skills is an area of the curriculum that is aimed at guiding and preparing our students for life and its possibilities. Through Life Skills the students develop a range of knowledge and skills and understanding of the importance of values.


Life Skills incorporates:


Creative Arts: The main purpose of creative arts is to develop our children as creative and imaginative individuals. A variety of materials affords the children many different ways to enjoy different sensory and creative experiences.


Physical Development: This is a strategic aspect of the holistic education of our children. The development of physical literacy, including strong core muscles, posture, coordination, motor planning, balance and agility incorporates both fine- and gross-motor activities. Physical development is integral to the overall well-being of our children, laying the foundations for a long term love of movement and the associated benefits as well as the development of specific sporting skills.


Music: This is taught by a music specialist and includes opportunities for fun, appreciation, memorisation, creativity, self-expression and communication as well as perceptual and physical development.